Thank you for visiting Ways to Stop Drinking Alcohol. This blog provides advice, tips and help for people with drinking problems.

If you are one of the people who want to stop drinking alcohol because you want to have a healthier and more productive life, you should visit our sitemap page to read all necessary actions in quitting alcohol.


By using this site, you accept our Terms of Use. The articles, information, images and videos contained herein are for education and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical advice, treatment or cure. Professional medical advice is recommended.


Don't Drink and Drive

No claims and/or guarantees are made to the effectiveness of the advice or information contained herein. As with any other kinds of addiction, your personality, body chemistry, psychological characteristics, emotional state, family background, etc., can and will determine success in dealing with alcoholism.

Always consult a physician regarding your health, and regarding ways to stop drinking alcohol.